3 Ways Managers Can Improve Employee Engagement And Support Remaining Employees After A Layoff

Layoff notifications are similar to notifications of a grave health diagnosis; no one wants to be on the giving or receiving end. Yet, most of us have lost count of the number of layoffs in 2023. I was recently coaching a high achiever preparing for parental leave. Although it should be a special time, she was paralyzed with decision fatigue and afraid of how an extra two weeks of allotted leave would impact the team, given that a large percentage had been laid off. As well as feelings of guilt and insecurity, aspects like workload, productivity, employee trust and morale decline during a layoff. Here's what you can do as a manager or leader to continue supporting your teams.

Engage in meaningful conversations.

Layoffs are one of the most challenging and stressful career transitions because they can be unpredictable and sudden and are usually negative and involuntary. 

Employees may be going through the stage of shock, acceptance where they have started to come to terms with it, testing and processing the reality or learning to reconnect with the company's core values. Help them develop awareness around how they feel, the situation and their identity and struggles so they can better manage their well-being. Also, seek anonymous input from employees and act on it to the best of your ability. Your goal is to create an open-door environment by putting their minds at ease and giving them the confidence to confide in you. 

It doesn't all fall on you, though, during periods of transition. Among other aspects, the accessibility of the Human Resources staff is essential too.

Be mindful and transparent.

Every employee is unique, and so are their feelings. Some team members may feel that brighter days are ahead due to the tough measures, others may feel challenged or some may feel relieved that they are still there. On the other hand, some may feel unsafe to be themselves and express their thoughts, resentful or suspicious of leadership and coworkers. Be mindful of the range of feelings, deal with employee emotions individually, and show empathy by not rushing the transition process.

Adding to that, we all express ourselves differently, but the first rule of communication is that it needs to be clear. Take your mind back to a time you received an irrelevant message or heard something that could have been ten times more impactful with a different approach. It’s frustrating and infringes on your time. Clear communication shows respect and empowers people with information to make decisions. 

Another way to provide clear communication is to be transparent. The perception of leadership can also be changed during a layoff as confidence dwindles. To address that, talk about leadership changes like pay cuts, bonuses, increased hours or anything else that shows they are not alone in their struggle.

Raise awareness around career support.

Gallup has found that only about one in four U.S. employees feel strongly that their organization cares about their well-being. Layoffs take a lot of your remaining employees, so pour back into them by focusing on professional development and raising awareness about what help is available through existing resources. Start by learning more or re-engaging in conversations around each employee's values, motivations and aspirations and align knowledge, skills and goals with strategic priorities. Not everyone wants to climb the career ladder; it doesn't have to be synonymous with ambition. Regardless of their unique career goals, there may be opportunities for employees to develop their skills with cross-functional projects, in-house or company-sponsored training or even mentoring programs. Skills are the currency of work.

Remember, too, the old saying, "you can't pour from an empty cup." According to Gallup, managers report higher stress and burnout than those they manage.

Rachel Montañez